Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fall Dogs 2012

Last Sunday in our yard!  They are searching for their next hunt!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Game at NIU on Saturday was fun! Weather was great! I think Dad enjoyed it the most! We don't get out much! It was fun to see Hopalong...I mean, Amanda:)

Would be fun to do that again! Only one other fall semester there:( Better go a few times next year!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sweets & Sprains

Well, I just about finished up my 5th week of classes...crazy! It has gone pretty fast so far...let's hope it continues to progress that way! :)

Anyways, I am excited for fall! That means all my favorite parts of the year are coming! I love everything from Halloween up until my birthday.
On that note, I made a pumpkin dessert a couple weekends ago...


This past weekend a group of girls in my program went to the NIU football was fun! It's nice getting to know them outside of class.
Here is a picture of some of us (I stole it off of someone's facebook)


As you can tell, I need to invest in some NIU apparel :)
But Alison was wearing an ISU sweatshirt, so neither of us were prepared.

And on a more recent note, I sprained my ankle this morning...that's always fun! It was pretty awkward, but thankfully not one was around to see...let's not get into the specifics :)

And just to give you a visual, here is what my ankle looked like at the doctor's this morning...

Pretty nice, huh?!
Even the lady who had to wheel me down to the x-ray department (yes, in a wheelchair) commented on the "balloon" on the side of my leg. Thanks! haha

I'm excited to see Mom and Dad for the NIU football game on Saturday!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hello all!

Here goes my first blog entry :)
Well I have finished up my 2nd week of grad school!! :) I'm finally starting to get into the swing of school again. No more procrastination :(

My apartment is pretty much all set up...finally. I rearranged my room a little bit. Here are some pictures:

(If you can't tell, the scottish dog chalkboard says "Go BEARS!")

Notice the picture with you and Jarimiah, Uncle John? :)
I can definitely tell that I live in the country...I have my windows open and the scent wafting in alternates between barbeque and mmm!
Alison (my roommate) and I checked out downtown Sycamore last night. We wanted to do something or eat somewhere but we couldn't decide (typical, right?) And we saw online that there was a 50s diner...we were sold! Well that was a bust...really creepy and smelled so we ended up walking out. That was awkward. But we went to this other restaurant/tavern and it was really good and affordable. Voted best bar and restaurant in Sycamore! Its definitely a place that Dad and Joe would like...will have to remember that for when you all come visit me ;)
 Well that pretty much sums up the exciting life I lead! :)
What is new with all of you?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hi All!!!
Mom, this is a great idea for us all to keep in touch!!
Amanda, I hope school is going well and you are loving your new apartment :)
Uncle John and Jaramiah- I am very excited for your visit over Labor Day. Joe and I are looking forward to seeing you guys.

As far as an update for Joe and I: We are both busy working most of the time. I have been going to Milwaukee almost everyday to teach nurses from my hospital a new computer system we will be going to next month. I really like it, the drive just gets old. Especially at 5 am lol.
Not too much else going on, trying to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts. Even have had a few campfires in the backyard!  Joes brother and sister in law are expecting their second child to be born pretty much anytime so we are all looking forward to that!

Keep in touch !

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hi All!

Welcome to the Marchaindeck blog! Well, I am learning how to do this! Hope to keep learning and posting photos, etc!
At home on a Saturday - laundry hanging outside, took dogs for walk with Manch (her last day here), going to bake for church picnic tomorrow.
Found a recipe for cookies that Babcia had that I used to make for Kim and Amanda, oh, about 20 years ago - no sugar or flour! Very healthy! They contain bananas, raisins and oats.
So, read the post and figure out how to comment on it! Lol!