Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sweets & Sprains

Well, I just about finished up my 5th week of classes...crazy! It has gone pretty fast so far...let's hope it continues to progress that way! :)

Anyways, I am excited for fall! That means all my favorite parts of the year are coming! I love everything from Halloween up until my birthday.
On that note, I made a pumpkin dessert a couple weekends ago...


This past weekend a group of girls in my program went to the NIU football was fun! It's nice getting to know them outside of class.
Here is a picture of some of us (I stole it off of someone's facebook)


As you can tell, I need to invest in some NIU apparel :)
But Alison was wearing an ISU sweatshirt, so neither of us were prepared.

And on a more recent note, I sprained my ankle this morning...that's always fun! It was pretty awkward, but thankfully not one was around to see...let's not get into the specifics :)

And just to give you a visual, here is what my ankle looked like at the doctor's this morning...

Pretty nice, huh?!
Even the lady who had to wheel me down to the x-ray department (yes, in a wheelchair) commented on the "balloon" on the side of my leg. Thanks! haha

I'm excited to see Mom and Dad for the NIU football game on Saturday!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hello all!

Here goes my first blog entry :)
Well I have finished up my 2nd week of grad school!! :) I'm finally starting to get into the swing of school again. No more procrastination :(

My apartment is pretty much all set up...finally. I rearranged my room a little bit. Here are some pictures:

(If you can't tell, the scottish dog chalkboard says "Go BEARS!")

Notice the picture with you and Jarimiah, Uncle John? :)
I can definitely tell that I live in the country...I have my windows open and the scent wafting in alternates between barbeque and mmm!
Alison (my roommate) and I checked out downtown Sycamore last night. We wanted to do something or eat somewhere but we couldn't decide (typical, right?) And we saw online that there was a 50s diner...we were sold! Well that was a bust...really creepy and smelled so we ended up walking out. That was awkward. But we went to this other restaurant/tavern and it was really good and affordable. Voted best bar and restaurant in Sycamore! Its definitely a place that Dad and Joe would like...will have to remember that for when you all come visit me ;)
 Well that pretty much sums up the exciting life I lead! :)
What is new with all of you?